Thirsting for Contentment?

Thirsting for Contentment?
Because we believe that there is no happiness without contentment, we offer travelers the unique experience of a vacation with purpose. By giving of ourselves we find joy because all that is not given is lost

The Gift of Giving and Receiving

The Gift of Giving and Receiving

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Searching The World Over

I've been searching my entire life for it and most likely, so have you. Elusive, difficult to identify, and even more impossible to hold onto. We all thirst for it and often go most of our lives without being able to quench our desire for it.
When I have focused primarily on my needs and desires, I have been the least content. The least happy. The least full of joy. Those moments have provided a sweetness that is fleeting and leaves me only hungering for so much more.
So what truly satisfies? What, in this life, can provide the nourishment we need for our souls? Who are the people who seemingly possess what we desire?
Deep down perhaps we all know on some level. Don't we?
In searching the world over, I've realized that those who are truly content are those who have been full of gratitude, savoring every moment of life, and giving of themselves to what truly matters.

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