Thirsting for Contentment?

Thirsting for Contentment?
Because we believe that there is no happiness without contentment, we offer travelers the unique experience of a vacation with purpose. By giving of ourselves we find joy because all that is not given is lost

The Gift of Giving and Receiving

The Gift of Giving and Receiving

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Kabini to Bengaluru to Hyderabad

February 26, 2012

We awake to the morning refreshed after a lovely evening the night prior. We had ended our day yesterday with an afternoon vehicle safari in which various wildlife, including a tiger, was spotted. Perhaps just as exciting as spotting the tiger, was watching our fellow safari participates yell in excitement. As the sun set, we traveled by boat upon the quiet river waters to our lodging. We watched a tribal dance and then ate a delicious bbq dinner under the stars.

Today was a day of travel. After another spicy breakfast (you simply must like spice to enjoy the food here), we set off by car to Bangalore. Along the way we stopped at a couple of temples and took pictures. For lunch, we asked our driver to take us to a local spot that he likes. As we entered the small, dark restaurant we were met with many stares. As the only non-Indians in the place, we stood out. Our driver ordered for us and we ate as he did...with our hands. We smiled and laughed and he stared at us in confusion.

From Bangalore we took a flight to Hyderabad where a driver met us to take us to our hotel. We checked in to our new, modern hotel and walked to a nearby restaurant for dinner. The lake close by was quiet and as we looked out over it, we watched as a large lantern floated in the sky. The night was peaceful and serene. We await our Hyderabad adventures.

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